MNAs actively participate in budget debate

ISLAMABAD, The lawmakers from both sides of treasury and opposition benches in the National Assembly on Monday showed enthusiasm and actively participated in the budget debate.

Resuming the budget debate, Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarians (PPPP) MNA Raja Pervaiz Ashraf said it was an honor for him to open the debate on June 21 that had great significance for his party as it was the day of birth anniversary of two-time former prime minister Mohtarma Shaheed Benazir Bhutto, whose family rendered great sacrifices for the cause of democracy.

He said legislation in the National Assembly should be done keeping in view the well-being of the public without indulging in the number game as it would help ensure a conducive environment in the House.

The MNA questioned about the reasons behind the increased inflation and financial hardships of the common man, if the all economic indicators were moving in the right direction.

Raja said the prices of essential items including flour, ghee and sugar had witnessed increase during the last three years, and stressed the need for taking necessary measures to ensure national food security.

He asked the government to make collective efforts for mitigating sufferings of the downtrodden segments of the society with the introduction of economic policies accordingly.

He said the government should explore ways and means to hold debate on the legislation passed ‘in haste’ on June 10 to pave the way for free, fair and transparent elections in future.

Minister for Economic Affairs Omar Ayub Khan said the previous government of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) had abolished more than 134 Renewable Energy (RE) projects of 4,000 Megawatt (MW) to make a quick buck through the‘LNG train,’ creating opportunities for loot and plunder of the national wealth.

He said the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) government after coming into power revived all these projects and brought a new RE policy, under which inexpensive electricity was being produced.

He said the PML-N government gave the solar projects’ tariff of Rs 23-24 per unit, which the incumbent government brought down to Rs 6.5 per unit within the period of one year.
Before completing its five-year tenure, the minister said the previous government planted ‘landmines’ for the next government by deteriorating all institutions and collapsing the national economy.

He quoted official reports of the Planning Commission and media publications of February 2018, the last year of the PML-N government in power, which showed the previous government had failed to deliver in all sectors, and the national economy totally collapsed due to its wrong policies.

“Private investment also fell far below the target of 16.7 percent despite the bonanza of the China- Pakistan Economic Corridor project. While, imports remained far higher than the target of restricting to $31.1 million,” he read from one the reports.

Omar Ayub said the PTI government inherited a $20 billion current account deficit from the previous government that also failed in controlling the fiscal deficit.

Mian Javed Latif of Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) while taking part in the debate said all issues could only be addressed through following the constitution in letter and spirit.

Minister for State of Climate Change Zartaj Gul said that the government had allocated over Rs 14 billion to cope with the effects of climate change in the country.

She said the whole nation rendered supreme sacrifices in war against terrorism. She said 83,000 innocent Pakistan lost their lives in the war and suffered billions of dollars financial lose.

She said they were proud of their leader Imran Khan who refused to talk to US officials. Our leader boldly told US anchor that Pakistan would not provide any base to US, she said.
She said Imran Khan was the only leader who marched against the US drone attacks in 2013.

She said the government would provide interest free loans to farmers and small business for the first time in the country history.

The minister said the budget would bring revolution in the lives of masses.

The government has made huge allocation in the budget for provision of free Coronavirus vaccination to the people, she added.

She said the past governments protected timber and land mafies during their tenures that carried out massive deforestation in the country.

However, the minister said a bill, She said under 10 billion tree plantation programme, one billion trees had already been planted and remaining target would be achieved within due time.
The minister also appreciated the Punjab Chief Minister for announcing poor friendly budget.

She said PTI would fulfill its promise made during elections to give right of vote to overseas Pakistani as they sent huge remittances. Those elements were opposing the idea to give right of vote to the overseas Pakistani whose leaders had fled the country, she said.

Amir Haider Khan Hoti of Awami National Party (ANP) said that National Finance Commission (NFC) award should be given as per the constitution.

He said net profit share of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa was not being given to the province.
He demanded that a Jirga should be convened to settle the issues of NFC and net hydel profit.

He said commitment was made that 3 per cent would be provided from divisible pool for the development of merged districts of erstwhile FATA but it was not yet honored.
Amir Hoti said that no allocation was made for agri schemes in Malakand and Mardan Division in the budget.

The people of the areas could not get water with out building water channels, he added.

He said feasibility of Chashma Right Bank Canal could not be completed for the last 15 years adding the project would help utilize our water share.
