Maryam not politically groomed: Gill

ISLAMABAD – Special Assistant to the Prime Minister for Political Communication Dr. Shahbaz Gill on Tuesday said Maryam Nawaz is not politically-groomed as she is always against the merit. Talking to a private news channel, he said she gave irresponsible and disputed statement against the supreme judiciary of the country.

The SAPM requested the Supreme Court (SC) to take notice of her statement as she had committed contempt of the court, adding how she could dictate supreme judiciary.

He said Maryam Nawaz was trying to remove her name from the exit control list (ECL) from long time but the government made it clear that it would not allow her any type of National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO).

Shahbaz Gill said she was the production of the Sicilian mafia as her father was declared as Sicilian mafia from the court in his case.

He said she was doing these type of stupidities due to non-political grooming or without any such type of training.
