Lahore court advises couple to reconcile for minor children’s sake

LAHORE – The Lahore High Court on Thursday advised a woman complainant and her husband to reconcile for their minor children’s sake. The Lahore court’s remarks came during the hearing of the woman’s petition in which she accused that her husband, identified as Abdul Razzaq, had wrongfully kept her five children away from her and had requested the court for their recovery.  Police recovered all five children and presented them in front of the court. The woman told the court that Razzaq, her husband, was “abusive, beat me and kicked me out of my house, and took my children away from me”. Her and the kids’ lives are in danger, she claimed, requesting the LHC to recover her children and hand them over to her. LHC Justice Malik Shahzad Ahmad Khan said the court would like to give the couple a chance to reconcile. “You both should tolerate each other and reconcile for the future of your minor children,” he said. “The court should receive good news from both of you at the next hearing,” Justice Ahmad added.
