Imran skulking his failures behind ‘fake issues’: Maryum

Islamabad – September 20 (Online): Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) spokesperson Maryum Aurangzeb on Monday said that Prime Minister Imran Khan and his government wants to cover up their failures, corruption and mismanagement by floating ‘fake issuess’ on national scenario.

In a statement on Monday, Maryum said that PM Imran wants no figures turning towards him even after ‘cutting masses’ throats with knife of inflation.

She said that EVMs and Media authority law have been brought into limelight to put down real issue like inflation, corruption and bad governance.

Maryum was of the view that PTI ministers and government spokespersons have converted PID to PTI office. They [government] create new episode every day to gloss over their negligence and incompetence, she added.
Maryum Aurangzeb said that government is pointing its fingers at Election Commission of Pakistan just because of Foreign Funding case against PTI.
Media has been censored so that no one could criticize Imran Khan’s criminal negligence and loot.

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