Gawdar: Suicide attack on Chinese convoy, Two children injured

Islamabad. August 20, 2021: Today in the evening, in a cowardly attack, a convoy of Chinese nationals comprising three Chinese vehicles with integral security details of Pakistan army and police contingent was targeted on East Bay Expressway in Gwadar.

The targeting took place along the coastal road near a Fishermen colony.

A young boy ran out of the colony once the convoy reached there to target Chinese vehicles. Fortunately, soldiers of Pakistan army in plain clothes employed as hang around security rushed to intercept the boy; who immediately, exploded himself about 15-20 meters away from the convoy.
Resultantly, a Chinese National got injured. He is stable and has been evacuated to nearest Gwadar Hospital. Unfortunately, two innocent children playing nearby the incident site lost their precious lives while another two children received critical injuries in the heinous act. They have been evacuated to the hospital.

Both Pakistan and China recognise the threats posed to their cooperation and collaboration towards growth and development of their communities under the evolving regional environment. Cognizant of hostile designs, Government of Pakistan is already undertaking a comprehensive review of security of Chinese brothers and is committed to ensuring their safe stay in Pakistan in this journey of progress. We reaffirm our Chinese brothers our wholehearted endeavours to deal with these threats comprehensively.

In this hour of distress, while we are saddened by injury to our Chinese brother and loss of innocent Pakistani children, both countries stand together firmly in defeating the inimical acts aiming to undermine our cooperation and friendship.

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