Pakistan, China all weather partners, iron-brothers, most reliable friends: Wang Qishan

BEIJING, China’s Vice-President, Wang Qishan said on Friday that Pakistan and China were all-weather strategic cooperative partners, iron-brothers and most reliable friends.

The Chinese vice president made these remarks in a meeting with Pakistan Ambassador to China, Moin-ul-Haque at the Diaoyutai State Guest House at the side-lines of the reception held to commemorate the 70th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic ties between Pakistan and China.

He highlighted that Pakistan-China friendship would serve the best interests of the peoples of two countries and also remain as the guarantor of regional peace and security.

Chinese Vice-President added that China attached immense importance to its ties with Pakistan and would continue developing bilateral strategic relations as envisaged by the leadership and peoples of two countries.

Recalling his visit to Pakistan in 2019 as an element of high level bilateral engagements, Vice-President Wang conveyed message of goodwill to the government and people of Pakistan.

Thanking Vice-President Wang for the meeting, Ambassador Moin conveyed to him best wishes of Pakistani leadership for his contributions to Pakistan-China friendship.

He highlighted that due to massive support of the government and people of the two countries, Pakistan and China were celebrating the 70th anniversary with tremendous enthusiasm and passion.

Ambassador Moin underscored that friendship with China was a cornerstone of Pakistan’s foreign policy and that the government of Pakistan would resolutely continue to deepen bilateral ties with China in all areas of mutual interest.

The meeting was also attended by high level officials of two sides including Mr. Luo Zhaohui; Chairman of CIDCA; Assistant Foreign Minister Wu Jianghao; Mr. Lin Songtian, President of Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and Ambassador Sha Zukang, President of China-Pakistan Friendship Association.

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