Palestinian group declines to take part in elections

The Islamic Jihad movement announced Tuesday that it will not participate in upcoming Palestinian elections as the polls were being held in accordance with the Oslo Agreement signed between the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel in 1993.  In a statement after the main Palestinian factions began a national […]

Canada’s COVAX vaccine order criticized by opposition

With Canada within hailing distance of 21,000 virus deaths Monday and experiencing a vaccine shortage, the government announced its plan to take 1.9 million doses from COVAX, the worldwide vaccine-sharing program intended mainly for poorer countries. But the decision has met with a firestorm of negativity both from within […]

UN sends 60 truckloads of aid to Idlib, Syria

On Tuesday, the UN sent 60 truckloads of humanitarian aid to Idlib, North-western Syria, where millions of people need assistance due to internal conflict in the country. The trucks carrying supplies passed through the Cilvegozu border gate in Turkey’s southern Hatay province. The aid will be […]
