Pakistan’s digital achievements shine at China-SCO forum

BEIJING, Pakistan’s digital achievements wow the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) member states at the 2021 China-SCO Forum on the Digital Economy Industry and the Smart China Expo 2021 starting from Monday (August 23) in China’s tech hub of Chongqing. The digital achievements, which are showcased […]

Haiti quake toll rises as gangs hamper aid efforts

PortauPrince, (AFP/APP):The death toll in the major earthquake that struck Haiti on August 14 has risen to 2,207, authorities said Sunday, as attacks on aid convoys have complicated efforts to bring relief to survivors. “New bodies have been found in the south,” said a statement […]

SAARC-CCI seeks global support to rebuild Afghanistan

LAHORE, (APP):South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation-Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SAARC-CCI) Sunday called upon the international community to play its effective role in rebuilding of Afghanistan and extend financial support and make investments there enabling the region’s poorest state to grow economically. SAARC-CCI President […]

Diving among ancient ruins where Romans used to party

Baiae, Italy, (AFP/APP):Fish dart across mosaic floors and into the ruined villas, where holidaying Romans once drank, plotted and flirted in the party town of Baiae, now an underwater archaeological park near Naples. Statues which once decorated luxury abodes in this beachside resort are now […]
