UK to hike taxes to pay for social care

London – September 7 (Online): Prime Minister Boris Johnson will address lawmakers on Tuesday on his plans to fix Britain’s social care system, with many in his own party furious that he wants to pay for it by hiking taxes in a clear breach of […]

Merkel goes all out for Laschet as party lags in polls

Berlin, Sept 7 (AFP/APP):German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Tuesday lauded her party’s candidate Armin Laschet as the best choice to succeed her, as polls showed the gaffe-prone Rhinelander still trailing badly ahead of this month’s election. Laschet, the chancellor candidate for Merkel’s conservative CDU/CSU bloc, […]

Taliban claim total control over Afghanistan

Kabul, Sept 7 (AFP/APP):The Taliban on Monday claimed total control over Afghanistan, saying they had won the key battle for the Panjshir Valley, the last remaining holdout of resistance against their rule. Following their lightning-fast victory in mid-August over the former Afghan government’s security forces […]
