China expresses protest to G7 over statement on Taiwan

BEIJING – May 16 (ONLINE) China’s authorities express protest to the states of the Group of Seven (G7) over their statement on Taiwan and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Monday. “China expresses resolute protest to the chairing […]

N Korea deploys army to fight COVID-19

Pyongyang – May 16 (ONLINE) North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has ordered the military to stabilise the distribution of COVID-19 medicines in Pyongyang, foreign media outlet reported. “North Korea acknowledged for the first time last week that it is battling an “explosive” COVID-19 outbreak, […]

Lebanon votes in first election since crisis

Beirut, May 15 (AFP/APP): Lebanon voted Sunday in its first election since multiple crises dragged it to the brink of failed statehood, a major test for new opposition groups bent on removing the ruling elite. Observers have warned not to expect any seismic shift, with […]
