India wants to distract world attention from Kashmir issue: JKNF

MIRPUR (AJK), Jammu and Kashmir National Front (JKNF) has termed Jammu Air Force base attack as a stage-managed drama by Indians to camouflage its terrorist activities in Pakistan and deflect world attention away from the Kashmir issue.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the National Front spokesman Shafiq-ur-Rehaman while referring to a series of false-flag operations orchestrated by the Indian secret agencies over the past several years said, “Pulwama attack in 2019, Uri attack in 2016, the Pathankot Air Base,

Samjhota Express train blasts, the bombing in Mecca Mosque of Hyderabad Deccan and a 2008 blast in a Malegaon (Maharashtra state) mosque and Mumbai Attack in 2008 are the bone-chilling incidents of terror, which were orchestrated by the Indian secret agencies and implemented through extremist elements within the Indian security establishment”.

These attacks, he said were carried to play victimhood card to gain international sympathies but the investigation reports have not only exposed the India’s nefarious game plan but also took the lid off the cauldron of crimes committed by the India’s so-called security agencies in collaboration with Hindu extremists belonging to Hindutva organizations, which were responsible for terrorism in India.

Regarding the fast changing regional and international scenario, the spokesman made it clear that New Delhi won’t achieve its nefarious designs by resorting to age-old tactics of blame game.

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