Rain, thundershower, gusty winds expected in Sindh, Balochistan & south Punjab

ISLAMABAD, OCT 01 (ONLINE): Rain, thundershower and gusty winds are expected in Sindh, Balochistan and south Punjab during the next twelve hours.

However, heavy falls are also likely in lower Sindh and coastal belt of Balochistan during the period.

Isolated rain-wind and thundershower is also expected in upper Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Islamabad, Pothohar region, upper Punjab, Gilgit Baltistan and Kashmir.

Temperature of some major cities recorded this morning:
Islamabad and Karachi twenty-six degree centigrade, Lahore and Peshawar twenty-seven, Quetta twenty, Murree and Gilgitg sixteen and Muzaffarabad twenty-two degree centigrade.
