Partly cloudy weather forecast for city

BAHAWALPUR, Apr 02 (APP): The local Met Office has forecast dry to partly cloudy weather for the city for the next 24 hours. The highest maximum temperature 30 centigrade and the lowest minimum 18 centigrade were recorded during last 24 hours. Dry to partly cloudy […]

Monday weather Forecast for all districts of KP

Islamabad (PNI) Mainly Partly cloudy / Cloudy weather is expected over most districts of the province. Sunrise: 05:57 Scattered to widespread rain-thunderstorm with gusty winds and isolated heavy falls/ hailstorm is likely to occur over Chitral, Lower & Upper Dir, Malakand, Buner, Swat, Shangla, Kohistan, […]

KP weather forecast & temperature in districts

PESHAWAR, Apr 02 (APP):There is chance of partly cloudy weather in most districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), the official of the Department of Meteorology KP said here Sunday.   Giving details about the weather in KP, the official said that Chitral, Dir, Swat, Bunir, Abbottabad, […]

Scattered rain-thunderstorm predicted for KP

PESHAWAR, Apr 01 (APP):The Regional Meteorological Department on Saturday forecast scattered rain-thunderstorm and cloudy weather for most parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for next 24 hours. Scattered rain-thunderstorm with gusty winds and isolated heavy falls is likely to occur over Chitral, Lower and Upper Dir, Malakand, […]

Sindh weather forecast for next 24 hours

KARACHI, Mar 31 (APP): Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) on Friday predicted dry weather for most districts of Sindh during the next 24 hours. Mainly, dry weather is likely to prevail in the province. The minimum and maximum temperatures recorded during the previous day in °C: […]
