Partly cloudy weather forecast for city

BAHAWALPUR, May 13 (APP):The local Met Office has forecast dry to partly cloudy weather for the city for the next 24 hours. The highest maximum temperature 43 centigrade and the lowest minimum 28 centigrade were recorded during the last 24 hours. Dry to partly cloudy […]

Hot & dry weather forecast for Sukkur

SUKKUR, May 12 (APP): The local Met Office on Friday has forecast dry and hot weather for Sukkur for the next 24 hours. The highest maximum temperature of 47c was recorded during the last 24 hours. Dry and hot weather has also been forecast for […]

Hottest day in Sukkur division

SUKKUR, May 11 (APP): The local Met office has forecast dry and hot weather for the city for the next 24 hours. The highest maximum temperature 45 centigrade and the lowest minimum 30 centigrade were recorded during the last 24 hours. The dry weather has […]

Dry, hot weather looms city in Southern Punjab

BAHAWALPUR, May 10 (APP): The local Met Office has forecast dry and hot weather for the city for the next 24 hours. The highest maximum temperature of 39°C and the lowest minimum temperature of 26°C were recorded during the last 24 hours. Dry and hot […]
