NASA to launch initial elements for Lunar outpost

islamabad   –  NASA has selected Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) of Hawthorne, California, to provide launch services for the agency’s Power and Propulsion Element (PPE) and Habitation and Logistics Outpost (HALO), the foundational elements of the Gateway.  As the first long-term orbiting outpost around the Moon, […]

Paving the way for information transfer in tiny circuits

ISLAMABAD-Removing one charged molecule from a one-dimensional array causes the others to alternately turn ‘on’ or ‘off,’ paving the way for information transfer in tiny circuits.Small electronic circuits power our everyday lives, from the tiny cameras in our phones to the microprocessors in our computers. To […]

Methane-eating bacteria found in extreme environments

ISLAMABAD-Advanced X-ray techniques yield insights into a bacterial enzyme that turns methane gas into liquid fuel.Scientists have determined the structure of a unique enzyme, produced by a species of methane-eating bacteria, that converts the greenhouse gas into methanol – a highly versatile liquid fuel and […]

Hidden climate risk posed by carbon-chomping soil bacteria

ISLAMABAD-Much of the earth’s carbon is trapped in soil, and scientists have assumed that potential climate-warming compounds would safely stay there for centuries. But new research from Princeton University shows that carbon molecules can potentially escape the soil much faster than previously thought. The findings suggest a key […]

Molecular nanofibers constructed that are stronger than steel

ISLAMABAD-Self-assembly of Kevlar-inspired molecules leads to structures with robust properties, offering new materials for solid-state applications.Self-assembly is ubiquitous in the natural world, serving as a route to form organized structures in every living organism. This phenomenon can be seen, for instance, when two strands of DNA […]

An incredibly beautiful barred spiral galaxy

ISLAMABAD   –  First discovered in 1798 by German-English astronomer William Hershel, NGC 613 is a galaxy that lies in the southern constellation of Sculptor 67 million light-years away. Featured here in a new image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, NGC 613 is a lovely example […]

Scientists develop a new gene therapy to delay aging

Islamabad   –  Cellular senescence, a state of permanent growth arrest, has emerged as a hallmark and fundamental driver of organismal aging. It is regulated by both genetic and epigenetic factors. Despite a few previously reported aging-associated genes, the identity and roles of additional genes involved […]
