Project to address maternal anemia through provision of IFA supplements launched

Peshawar December 21 (Online): Nutrition International in collaboration with national and provincial health department through its implementing partner Prime Foundation organized a project launch event titled “Iron Folic Acid (IFA) Supplementation for addressing Maternal Anemia in Pakistan” under covid-19 Emergency Response Project on Tuesday in Peshawar.

This 18-months project aims at addressing maternal anemia through provision of Iron Folic Acid (IFA) supplements for 78,000 pregnant women, improving safe motherhood by providing 11,000 safe delivery kits (SDKs) to health care facilities in newly merged districts i.e. Khyber, Bajaur, Mohmand, Orakzai, Kurram, South Waziristan and North Waziristan tribal districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP).

Under the project, thousands of personal protective gears will also be provided to health care professionals and frontline health workers.

Moreover, the project will facilitate government to build capacities of frontline health workers and healthcare providers of newly merged districts on infection prevention and control and improving their interpersonal communication (IPC) skills using MNCH & IYCN focused IPC training manual.

The project districts have been prioritized on the basis of evidence that was furnished by national nutrition survey 2018.

According to National Nutrition Survey 2018, in the region, one in eight adolescent girls is underweight, while an alarming 56.6% are anaemic, early marriages, closely spaced pregnancies and maternal malnutrition lead to a high morbidity and high mortality.

The launch event was inaugurated by Dr. Ikram Ullah Khan, Chief Health Services Reform Unit, KP, followed by the opening remarks from Dr. Shabina Raza, Country Director Nutrition International Pakistan.

She shared the event objective that COVID emergency support grant is being offered by the Government of Canada to address maternal anemia in the newly merged districts with provision of IFA Commodities, safe delivery kits and capacity building package to improve situation of maternal nutrition.
“Nutrition International is endeavoring to provide better access to health care to the communities who need it the most – particularly adolescent girls, women and children. We are committed to eradicating nutritional deficiencies throughout the country including KP through various interventions, including this one. She thanked to the national and provincial government for their support to Nutrition International in program implementation.

Asim Shahzad, National Program Officer for Maternal and Adolescent Program of Nutrition International shared program updates with attendees while Prime Foundation shared key activities and program implementation strategies.

Representatives from UN agencies, provincial and district health departments shared their views and appreciated the efforts Nutrition International in hard to reach areas.

Dr. Anisa Afridi, director MNCH program Newly Merged Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Dr. Saeed Anwar, Director Prime Foundation and other dignitaries also shared their remarks and appreciated the support of Nutrition International.

Dr. Khawaja Masuood Ahmed, National Coordinator, Fortification and Nutrition, Nutrition Wing (MoNHSR&C) asked the government and development partners for strengthening coordination for proper utilization of resources to address maternal anemia while acknowledged the services and support of Nutrition International and all development partners in dealing the issue of malnutrition in the country.

The speakers reiterated their commitment and dedication to address prevailing situation related to health and nutrition in the newly merged districts especially of the mothers and the women folk.

To conclude the event, chief guest Ms, Rabia Basri – Chairman, Health Standing Committee of KP, during her remarks, thanked the department of health and Nutrition International to extend their support to newly merged districts on a very pertinent issue of the country. She assured the support of government in all spirits to improve nutrition situation in the country.

“Nutrition International is endeavoring to provide better access to health care to the communities who need it the most – particularly adolescent girls, women and children. We are committed to eradicating nutritional deficiencies throughout the country including KP through various interventions, including this one. She thanked to the national and provincial government for their support to Nutrition International in program implementation.

The event was attended by representatives of academia, health care professionals, civil society, media and district government etc.

Nutrition International (NI) is a global nutrition organization headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. For nearly 30 years, we have focused on delivering low-cost, high-impact, nutrition interventions to people in need. Working alongside governments as an expert ally, we combine deep technical expertise with a flexible approach, increasing impact without increasing complexity or cost. In more than 60 countries, primarily in Asia and Africa, Nutrition International nourishes people to nourish life.

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