Singapore reports 9,989 new COVID-19 cases

SINGAPORE, July 6 (Xinhua) APP):Singapore reported 9,989 new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday, bringing the total tally to 1,495,953. Of the new cases, 837 cases were detected through PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests and 9,152 through ART (antigen rapid test) tests, according to statistics released […]

Shanghai reports 24 new local infections

SHANGHAI, July 6 (Xinhua/APP): China’s Shanghai reported nine confirmed locally transmitted COVID-19 cases and 15 local asymptomatic carriers on Tuesday, the municipal health commission said Wednesday. All new infections were found from people under quarantine, the commission said in a statement. SHANGHAI, July 6 (Xinhua/APP): […]

Researchers develop virus-fighting face masks

ISLAMABAD, July 04 (Online): As highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic, face masks lower the risk of viral infection by reducing the spread of respiratory droplets. FDA spokesperson Audra Harrison told Medical News Today that, to date, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)-approved N95 […]

45,413 Covid-19 patients recover in Rawalpindi

RAWALPINDI, Jul 03 (APP): As many as 45,413 COVID-19 patients had been discharged after getting treatment from the district’s health facilities, out of which 41,895 were Rawalpindi’s residents while 3,518 were from other districts. According to data shared by the district health authority here on […]

Study Suggests Walking Can Help Prevent Knee Pain

ISLAMABAD, June 10 (Online): A new study has found that walking can ward off knee pain for people with osteoarthritis. This condition affects more than 32 million adults in the United States. As a form of exercise, walking traditionally has been promoted as benefitting your […]

Eat Lots of Fish? Your Melanoma Risk May Rise

ISLAMABAD, June 10 (Online): You’ve added fish to your diet to eat healthy, but now a new study delivers some bad news: Fish lovers may have a slightly increased risk of melanoma. Researchers followed over 490,000 older Americans and found the 20% with the highest […]
