333 tested positive 2 succumb to COVID-19 during last 24 hours

ISLAMABAD, June 28 (Online): 333 people were infected by corona virus while two casualties were reported during the last 24 hours in the country.

The COVID-19 positivity ratio in Pakistan witnessed a slight decline a day after nearing 3%, as the country reported lesser cases during the last 24 hours as compared to the last three days, National Institute of Health, Islamabad (NIH) data showed Tuesday morning.

As many as 13759 samples diagnostic testing was conducted of which 333 returned positive during the last 24 hours.
The positivity raio dropped to 2.42 percent from 2.85 percent on Monday.
With two more fatalities during the last 24 horus the tally of fatalities has surged to 30392.

85 patients are stated to be in critical condition.

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