Could a broccoli sprout compound lower blood sugar?

ISLAMABAD, FEB 25 (ONLINE): Researchers from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden have found that sulforaphane, a compound found in broccoli sprouts, may help lower blood sugar levels in people with prediabetes. The study found that the compound works better for people with certain metabolism […]

Could probiotics help reduce anxiety?

ISLAMABAD, FEB 14 (ONLINE): About 4% of people in the world live with an anxiety disorder. Current medications used to treat anxiety do not work for everyone. A new study has identified a specific microbial metabolite in the gut microbiome that helps regulate brain activity […]

Juice cleanses may disrupt microbiome in only 3 days

ISLAMABAD,FEB 11 (OLINE): Short juice cleanses are increasingly popular and are heavily marketed with claims that they help remove toxins and aid digestion and weight loss. They involve consuming only fruit and vegetable juices for between three and seven days. However, there is little scientific […]
