Meghan misses chance to become a Brit

ISLAMABAD-The Duchess of Sussex had fully intended to become a Brit after marrying Prince Harry in May 2018 in a spectacular wedding at Windsor Castle. She was required to live in the UK for a minimum of three years before applying for citizenship and legally qualifying for a British passport. And at the time Kensington Palace confirmed the former Suits actress intended to apply.However, her and Harry’s shock Megxit announcement in January 2020 saw the plans hit the skids.Under strict Home Office rules the Duchess, who first moved to London on November 21, 2017, could have begun her citizenship application three years later on November 21, 2020.But the jet-setting Duchess was also required to limit the total number of days she spent outside of the UK in that time to less than 270 – something she failed to do.Now any future application would be delayed and would involve a move back to the UK.
