WSSP carries out awareness drive to sensitize school kids on WASH

PESHAWAR, Oct 20 (APP):Water and Sanitation Services Peshawar (WSSP) Wednesday launched an awareness drive in public and private sector schools to sensitize school children on importance of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH).

Awareness teams of Citizen Liaison Cell (CLC) of WSSP are organizing awareness sessions under a UNICEF-funded community empowerment project.
Teams comprising female community officers are holding sessions at girls’ schools and not only sensitizing children but also interact with teachers to take steps for implementations of hygiene guidelines.

Besides, WSSP installed hand washing stations at 100 schools to promote hand washing, health hygiene among the children to prevent spread of different kind of diseases among them.

The stations are installed near toilets and fitted with water tanks where water and soap are available round the clock.

Moreover, CLC teams have constituted a total of 100 wash clubs, each club comprising of 13 students from different classes to promote hygiene among their class fellows and colleagues at their respective schools.

Of the total clubs, 36 are in government schools while 64 are in private schools. WSSP also organized over 20 quiz competitions during which students, divided in two groups, are given questionnaire regarding WASH.
One group asks questions like what should they do after attending toilet, while the second group demonstrate by washing their hands with soap and other cleanliness activities.

The CLC also held 10 intra-school art competitions in government and private schools where school kids were asked to prepare different designs on hand washing and hygiene. The winning teams are given prizes to encourage the remaining teams to work hard and promote hygiene.

The company has also deputed teams to carry out house to house awareness drive and sensitize mothers on importance of WASH. “We sensitize mothers to inculcate hand washing habits, disposal of waste at proper places and saving of water among their children,” said Muhammad Ismail, manager Citizen Liaison Cell WSSP.

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