PU library organises talk on two books

LAHORE, Sep 20 :Punjab University Library Book Club Friday organised introductory talks on two books—one in English and another in Urdu. Chief librarian Dr Muhammad Haroon Usmani, Professor of Urdu Language at Osaka University, Japan Prof Dr Marghoob Hussain Tahir, Department of Philosophy’s Assistant Professor […]

Course on inclusive education launched

ISLAMABAD, Sep 16 : In a significant step towards promoting inclusive education in Pakistan, Sightsavers, an international organisation working to prevent avoidable blindness and to promote inclusive education, and the Federal College of Education hosted an event to launch a new course on Inclusive Education. […]

AIOU hosts workshop on business model canvas

ISLAMABAD, Sep 10 :Allama Iqbal Open University’s (AIOU) Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC) held a one-day workshop on “Business Model Canvas” for 50 BS and MS students. Danish Junaid, CEO of Seed Investor, served as the resource person, providing guidance on business planning, […]
