10 books nominated for Akhtar Hameed Khan 2021 Awards

Islamabad February 09 (Online): A total of 10 books were nominated for Dr Akhtar Hameed Khan Memorial Book Award 2021, sources said on Wednesday.

The following books; Social Transformation in Pakistan: The Art and Science of Linking with the others; by Fayyaz Baqir ii. The Search for Shelter: Writing on Land and Housing by Arif Hassan iii. Molu Musali by Dr.Muhammad Amjad Saqib were short listed for final selection for 2021 Award.

A Selection Committee comprising Dr. Pervez Tahir, Mr. MuzaffarMahmood Qureshi, Ashraf Ansari, and Nadeem Akbar was appointed by the Executive Committee of COSS. The Committee reviewed the short listed books and unanimously selected Book.

The Social Transformation in Pakistan: The Art and Science of Linking with the others; by Fayyaz Baqir.

The Council of Social Sciences, Pakistan will hold the award ceremony in mid-March at Islamabad Club Islamabad.

Dr Ishrat Hussain will deliver Dr Akhtar Hameed Khan Memorial lecture.
The Award is given every year to the best book by a Pakistani scholar. The Award is given to books covering any one of the following fields: Rural/urban development, poverty and its alleviation, peace, and gender discrimination.

Written in English, Urdu or other Pakistani languages the book must meet international academic standards in its substance and format.

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