Currency rates of NBPCurrency rates of NBP

KARACHI, Following are the selling/buying rates of major currencies issued by the National Bank of Pakistan (NBP), here on Thursday. CURRENCY SELLING BUYING USD 156.85 153.25 GBP 222.26 217.13 EUR 191.47 187.07 JPY 1.4301 1.3972 SAR 41.86 40.81 AED 42.71 41.72 […]

Foreign Currency Account Scheme

KARACHI, The Foreign Exchange Rates Committee of Financial Market Association of Pakistan issued the following Base Rate, here on Thursday. FOREIGN CURRENCY ACCOUNTS SCHEME BBA BID MAXIMUM RATES R A T E S FOR PAYMENT OF WITH INTEREST BY VALUE DATE AUTHORIZED DEALERS U.S. DOLLARS […]

Foreign exchange rates

KARACHI, The Exchange Rates Committee of Financial Markets Association of Pakistan issued the following exchange rates bulletin, here on Thursday. LIBOR FOR CALCULATING INTEREST ON SPECIAL US DOLLAR BONDS VIDE SBP F.E. CIRCULAR NO.42 & 21.07.98 & 04.08.98 RESPECTIVELY. LIBOR VALUE 6 MONTHS US DOLLAR […]

CPI inflation decelerates to 10.09% on YoY basis

ISLAMABAD, The Consumer Price Index (CPI) based monthly inflation decelerated to 10.09 percent on year-on-year (YoY) basis during the month of May 2021, from 11.1 percent during April 2020, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) reported. On month-on-month (MoM) basis, it increased by 0.1% in May […]