Output of injections increase 28.07% in 3 quarters

ISLAMABAD, The production of injections in the country has witnessed 28.07 percent increase during the first three quarters of the financial year 2020-21 against the output of the same period of last fiscal year. As many as 1183,119 injections were manufactured during July-March (2020-21) as […]

Pakistan-Uzbekistan transit trade marks historic launch

ISLAMABAD, Project for Pakistan and Uzbekistan transit trade and export goods to Pakistan through the territory of Afghanistan launched on Tuesday in Islamabad. According to the Press Release from Ministry of Commerce, the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Pakistan together with Pakistani transport company “Best Trans […]

Local POL production increases 12.71% in 3rd quarter

ISLAMABAD, The overall production of petroleum commodities has witnessed an increase of 12.71 percent during the first three quarters of financial year 2020-21 as compared to corresponding period of last year. The Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants (POL) products that showed growth including kerosene oil production, […]
