SBP releases new Governor’s Annual Report 2021-22

Karachi, December 21, 2022 (Online): A combination of both external and domestic factors contributed to higher than projected inflation in FY22, according to Governor’s Annual Report 2021-22 released by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) today. In particular, stronger than anticipated domestic demand amid an […]

Germany drops antitrust probe into Google news product

Frankfurt, Germany, Dec 21 (AFP/APP):Germany’s antitrust regulator said Wednesday it had shelved an investigation into Google’s News Showcase service, after the tech giant made “important adjustments” to ease competition concerns. The decision comes after Google earlier this year made a major concession by offering to […]

Russia keeps key interest rate at 7.5 pct

MOSCOW, Dec 17 (XINHUA/APP):Russia’s central bank decided on Friday to keep its key interest rate unchanged at 7.5 percent per annum. “Current consumer prices are growing at a moderate rate and consumer demand is subdued. Inflation expectations of households and businesses, essentially unchanged, remain elevated,” […]

FPCCI, Algeria Chamber sign MoU to promote trade

KARACHI, Dec 15 (APP): Algerian Ambassador to Pakistan Brahim Romani said his country’s policies were centered on an open economy and offering maximum facilitation and incentives to local and foreign investors. He stressed holding different exhibitions on both sides as Algeria was the center of […]

US industrial output slips in November

Washington, Dec 15 (AFP/APP):Industrial production in the United States slumped in November with “broad based” decreases, the Federal Reserve said Thursday, as output for bigger-ticket consumer products and manufacturing fell. While tangled supply chains and surging costs which weighed on businesses are easing, in a […]
