Syed Ali Geelani demise is a great loss to Kashmir cause: JI Emir Sirajul Haq

Lahore 02 September 2021(Online): Jamaat-e-Islami Emir Sirajul Haq has paid rich tribute to the life long struggle of veteran Kashmiri leader Syed Ali Geelani, declaring his demise as great loss to Kashmir cause. He was addressing the gathering he led for the funeral prayer in absentia at J.I head quarters Mansoora.

He demanded the government to raise voice at international level against the desecration of late Geelani’s dead body and torture on his relatives by the Indian forces. He expressed concern over the silence of international community on this issue.

He further added that occupied forces were even afraid of Ali Geelani’s dead body as the late Ali Geelani dead body was not allowed to be buried in Siri Nagar’s graveyard. The city was put under curfew by security forces out of fear that millions of Kashmiris would turn out to offer the funeral prayer.

He said each & every Pakistani is deeply mourned by the passing away of Ali Geelani. Lauding his unflinching commitment to the Kashmir cause, he hoped the beacon of freedom lit by Geelani would continue spreading light and the Sun of freedom would soon rise on occupied Kashmir. Geelani inspired three generations of Kashmiris and taught them not to surrender before tyranny.

Ali Geelani always advised the Pakistani rulers not to show weakness before India on Kashmir cause. He made life-long struggle to make Kashmir part of Pakistan, said by Sirajul Haq.

JI Naib Emir Liaqat Baloch and JI Secretary General Ameerul Azeem also addressed the gathering and paid tribute to the services of late Kashmiri leader. Religious leaders, politicians, teachers, journalists and people from other walks of life attended the prayer. Geelani’s funeral prayer in absentia was also held in different cities under the banner of Jamaat-e-Islami.

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