Safi condemns India’s use of pellet guns in IIOJK

ISLAMABAD, Aug 7 :Ghulam Mohammad Safi, convener of All Parties Hurriyat Conference-AJK chapter, has strongly condemned India’s use of pellet guns in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir(IIOJ&K), stating that it was prohibited globally and violated international laws.
Addressing a cultural, organized by Pakistan National Council of Arts (PNCA) in connection with Kashmir, Safi emphasized, “Thousands of children have lost their sight due to pellet gun injuries and that India’s actions have crossed all limits of oppression.”
He questioned India’s motives, saying, “It knows Kashmiri children do not support India and instead want to sacrifice themselves for Pakistan.”
He expressed confidence that Kashmir’s freedom was inevitable, saying, “No matter how deep the darkness is, eventually the sun of Kashmir’s freedom will rise.”
The event, among others, was attended by Raja Khan Afsar, Najib Al-Ghafoor, Imtiaz Wani and Raja Bashir Osmani.
The show concluded with a signature campaign organized by Pakistan National Council of Arts and Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Cell, which was signed by Safi and other leaders.

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