Qayyum terms early solution of Kashmir issue only key to emergence of ever lasting peace in the region

MIRPUR (AJK): Oct 31 (APP):Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan Niazi Sunday said that peace in the region is linked with early resolution of the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

He pointed out that unresolved Kashmir dispute has jeopardized the peace of the entire region.The AJK PM expressed these views in a meeting with Kashmir Council EU Chairman Ali Raza Syed at Jammu at Kashmir
House in the federal metropolis.

Sardar Abdul Qayyum Niazi said that Kashmiris have been rendering unprecedented sacrifices for the last seven decades which has no example in the freedom history of the world. He urged upon the international community to exert pressure over India for the settlement of longstanding Kashmir dispute for establishing durable and lasting peace in the region.

The AJK PM also urged the overseas Kashmiris to expose the ongoing atrocities of the Indian forces in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJ&K) to crush the freedom movement.

He said the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan has effectively projected the Kashmir issue in its true perspective at international level with courage and determination and proved the true voice of the Kashmiris.
He commended the services of Ali Raza Syed for projecting the Kashmir issue from the platform of Kashmir Council EU.

Sardar Abdul Qayyum said Kashmiri migrants living in Europe have done a great service in highlighting the Kashmir issue and gaining the support of the world for the settlement of the Kashmir issue as per the aspiration of the people.

Ali Raza Syed speaking on the occasion said that India is committing war crimes in IIOJ&K and urged the
international community to take serious notice of unabated human rights violations in occupied valley.

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