Norway voices support to Kashmiri self-determination

OSLO (PNI) Realization of right to self-determination of Kashmiris in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIoJK) is a “whole-some” process which demands all segments of Kashmiri resistance movement will have to work in tandem with each other to defeat the enemy, speakers said at a conference in Norway.

Addressing right to self-determination conference hosted by Tehreek-e-Kashmir (TeK) Norway in Oslo, President Shah Hussain Kazmi said: “for any freedom movement to succeed, unity in ranks and file is the first step towards defeating the enemy.”

“It is better we understand it before it is too late that unity in our words and actions will strengthen our battle against a ruthless colonizer i.e. India,” said Hussain, who leads TeK Norway.

Tehreek-e-Kashmir Europe held several conferences since early this month across the region to mark Kashmiri Right to Self-determination Day as on Jan. 05 in 1949, the UN Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) passed its resolution giving the Kashmiri people right to self-determination.

Asif Hameed ,welfare community councillor of Pakistan Embassy in Norway , reminded the conference participants of the UN resolutions on Kashmir since 1948.

“The freedom movement in IIoJK is based on international law and covenants and has backing of UN resolutions,” he said. “It is incumbent upon on Kashmiri and Pakistani diaspora and their allies to spread awareness regarding the basis of Kashmir dispute and why it is important for international community to intervene in the issue.

”Mian Muhammad Tayyib secretary general TeK Europe said time has come when all groups should forge unity and safeguard valuable sacrifices of Kashmiris.

“We cannot remain stuck in internal divisions… Our brothers, sisters, daughters, friends in IIoJK have expectations from us to come to their help,” he said.

In a joint statement by norwegian community leaders Khalid mehmood Ex MP, Athar Ali Ex. MP. Haji Muhammad Afzal, Raja Maqbool Hussain, Rafaqat Ali, Molana Mehboob-ur-Rehman, Dr. Mubashar Banaras, Ch. Qamar Abbas Tiwana, Inamulhaq Sethi, Raja Ashiq Hussain, Shahid Tanveer, Shahid Asghar, Ghulam Sarwar. the efforts of Kashmiri diaspora will “fail attempts of enemy Indian state and its fascist military to malign freedom movement in IIoJK.”

Rafaqat Ali , secretary general TeK Norway said “We will not leave any stone unturned to confront nefarious designs of Indian state. We will make them pay for every war crime the fascist Indian occupying military is committing in IIoJK,” .

Thanking TeK Norway for hosting the conference on Kashmiri right to self-determination, the TeK leaders said: “commitment of activists and volunteers is bed rock for any campaign and a movement to succeed.”

“Tehreek-e-Kashmir and its activists and volunteers have shown it by their actions that Kashmir cause is close to their heart and they will not abandon their brethren in IIoJK until they get freedom from illegal occupation of India,” the leaders said.

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