Indian claim of Kashmir as an integral part has no takers other than those in the south block of New Delhi: Farooq Siddiqi

New York (PNI) Kashmir Global Council President Farooq Siddiqi has said that Indian claim of Kashmir as an integral part has no takers other than those in the south block of New Delhi. The statement advised the ruling Indian political leaders of India not to wishfully blind themselves to the facts about Kashmir’s political, legal, and internationally acclaimed recognized status.

Carrying flags or walking in streets with the support of military might does not change the title of the land in favour of the occupier. It still eventually must be owned by lawful owners and that is Kashmiri Nation.

History should have been a guide to those who think otherwise. The streets of Paris were walked with audacity based on military might by the forces of Hitler when it occupied France. History is a witness that force and coercion does not work indefinitely. Any authority that India may be falsely enjoying in Kashmir is illusive and temporary.

Today the streets of Kashmir are paraded with occupiers’ flags as a show of belligerence by India and stifling the voices of dissent and freedom with draconian laws and inhuman brutal military force. India must understand that neither Frances’s occupation by Hitler lasted nor will Kashmir’s occupation The sooner India realizes the better it would be for its own economic and political stature.

Despite India’s perpetual and consistent desire in the last 75 years it has not been able to suppress the inalienable urge and aspiration of the people for Independent Kashmir.

KGC president further said that Pakistan must restore complete independence of the areas of Kashmir under its control and abide by the principles of United Nation Covenant of Political and Civil Rights which recognizes the right of all peoples including the right to “freely determine their political status and pursue their economic, social and cultural goals, while managing and disposing of their own resources and not deprive means of subsistence.

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