British lawmakers, youth leaders, activists discuss Kashmir, pass resolution


LONDON (PNI) Call for end to illegal Indian occupation of Kashmir reverberated during week-long events to mark 75th year of Indian occupation of Kashmir held across Europe and the UK by Kashmiri and Pakistani diaspora and their allies.



As part of the campaign to allow Kashmiris in IIoJK to decide their future according to UN resolutions through a free and fair plebiscite, a conference was held in British Parliament on Wednesday, chaired by Afzal Khan, British lawmaker, and organised by Fahim Kayani, leader of Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK.


The conference saw an encouraging participation of the UK lawmakers including Sarah Owen MP Rachel Hopkins MP, Paul Bristow MP, Paul Blomfield MP,Kate Hollern MP, James Daly MP, Tahir Ali MP, Liam Byrne MP, Lord Qurban Hussain, among others.


Youth leaders from various British universities and organizations, including those from IIoJK, attended the conference and urged the UN to intervene and allow Kashmiris to use their vote in the plebiscite.


Drawing attention of the UK government, the British lawmakers agreed that non-resolution of Kashmir dispute can trigger a nuclear war between India and Pakistan that will affect far beyond region.


The Kashmir issue is not a territorial dispute between India and Pakistan, it is a matter of right of self- determination of millions of Kashmiris. This right is not only denied by India but demanding this fundamental right granted by the UN has become crime in IIoJK.


Visiting Pakistani journalist, Zafar Mahmood Malik, who edits News International, drew a bleak picture of how India has muzzled media in IIoJK.

“Indian fascist policies have made life of journalists a living hell as they are being targeted for presenting the ground situation to international audiences which has resulted in reporters taking self-care and avoiding come in the eye of brutal Indian state,” he said.

Khawajah Muhammad Suleiman, Director Kashmir Information Cell TeK UK; Rehana Ali, Information Secretary, TeK UK; Anushae Khan and Zain Haji from City University, Human rights activist Naila Azmat, Sabba Khan from City University London, Shareen Raja Human rights activists Gurcharan Singh from Dal Khalsa UK, TeK leadership Ch Ikram ul Haq ,Ch Zahid Iqbal, Daud Shah , Raja Abdul Qayoum, Shukat Malik, Haris Kayani and representatives from IIoJK spoke on the occasion, stressing on need to end Indian occupation.


“The denial of right to self-determination is basic reason for every violation happening in IIoJK,” the speakers concluded.

Fahim Kayani, president of Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK, read London resolution on Kashmir, demanding right to self-determination for Kashmiris in IIoJK.

The resolution expressed solidarity with the Kashmiri people suffering unprecedented abuse of human rights and supported their struggle for a just cause which is right to self-determination as enshrined in various resolutions passed by the UN General Assembly and Security Council, from time to time.


“We note with heavy heart the grave human rights situation in IIoJK, especially after August 2019 when India re-annexed the UN-designated disputed territory and is engaged in military-backed settler colonialism.

“This conference brings to the attention of international community to act fast against settler colonialism under which more than three million Indians, mostly non-Muslims, are being settled in IIoJK to artificially change demography of the UN-designated disputed region which is blatant violation of Geneva Conventions,” the resolution said.

It called out the inaction by international community on two reports by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, released in 2018 and 2019 which “has given India a free hand to commit crimes against humanity and war crimes in Kashmir.”

“The regular reports by various international human rights watchdogs have found little attention in the international media outlets. The deficiency needs immediate attention and redress.

“This conference expresses its frustration over the muzzling of the vibrant local media in IIoJK which has seen well-designed clampdown by the Indian military regime in IIoJK,” it added.

Lauding the role of Kashmiri journalists in IIoJK, the conference condemned India for choking space of media in IIoJK.

“We call upon the conscientious members in the international media to connect with the ground situation and local media to create a much-needed impact in all capitals of the world.


“International media and human rights defenders are urged to reach out to their counterparts in IIoJK and become their voices,” the resolution demanded.

Urging the British lawmakers “to raise their forceful voice for bringing to an end all cycles of violence in IIoJK as the non-resolution of dispute means failure of international system i.e. the UN,” the resolution aid the British House of Commons should adopt a resolution on situation in IIoJK.

It asked the British parliament to take a leaf from its road map on Scotland and help Kashmiris in realization of a free and fair plebiscite.

Expressing deep concern on the so-called “Cordon and Search Operations” in IIoJK during which the innocent Kashmiri youth are targeted and killed, the resolution called for reversing all black laws including PSA, AFSPA, UAPA from IIoJK.

Supporting demand that a fact-finding mission be sent to assess the situation in IIoJK, the resolution sought immediate release of all Kashmiri political prisoners while bodied of Kashmiri martyrs be returned to their families.

The resolution said a constructive dialogue between all parties of the dispute viz Kashmiris, Indians and Pakistanis can be a welcome beginning for solving the seven-decade long dispute.

“The UK being a friend of both countries should take an initiative for a tripartite/multilateral conference of the stake holders in London,” it said.

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