Any G20 summit in IIoJK will trigger demonstrations in their capitals: Fahim Kayani

BIRMINGHAM (PNI) Any plans to hold the so-called G20 summit in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIoJK) is unacceptable to Kashmiris and travesty of justice, Tehreek-e Kashmir Leadership said during a press conference held in Birmingham, United Kingdom

Warning of anti-G20 demonstrations ,Fahim Kayani President of Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK said news regarding India’s plans to fly leaders of world’s top 20 economies to IIoJK is nothing but to manipulate the ground realities.

Kayani warned any such move to hold G20 summit in IIoJK will trigger chain reaction in all capitals of these countries.

The statement of Kayani came after Indian agencies through its propagandist media released the news that the fascist Modi regime will hold the summit of G20 leaders in IIoJK next year. The news was met with anger and condemnation by Kashmiris, Pakistan and their allies.

Kayani said IIoJK is a UN-designated disputed territory and any move by India to fly G20 leaders to this Indian-military occupied beautiful land where people are being massacred with no accountability “will be last nail in the coffin of G20.”

“No conscience-laden multi-national group would like to trample upon rights of Kashmiris like G20 agreeing to holding any meeting in the world’s largest open-air prison i.e. IIoJK,” Kayani said.

Welcoming statement of China urging India “to not politicize the world’s biggest economic grouping (G20),” Kayani said: “the stand taken by Beijing against any such move to hold G20 summit in IIoJK is an example for other G20 nations.”

Kayani said countries like Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and Turkey “must oppose such move” while it is a test case for the US, the UK, France, Germany and other nations whether they would oppose India.

Muhammad Ghalib , President Tehreek-e-Kashmir Europe said “Kashmiris will fight tooth and nail India’s attempts to normalize its illegal military occupation of IIoJK and will launch demonstrations in all the capitals of these nations who will not oppose India’s bad intentions,”.

The UK-based Kashmiri leader recalled the UN and international community including the US, the UK, France have promised Kashmiris right to decide their political future “and it is only India which is a stumbling block to hold free and fair plebiscite in IIoJK.”

“IIoJK is a disputed territory and victim of international armed conflict imposed by India on Kashmiris,” he said. “The G20 nations cannot close their eyes to one million Indian boots deployed in the region turning it in to world’s most militarized zone.”

Ghalib said the G20 nations must ask their missions in New Delhi to properly inform their capitals as “how India has imposed a graveyard silence in IIoJK.”

“If G20 nations have any conscience remaining, it will reject rather condemn India for its nefarious designs and that is why China’s stand is welcomed and supported by Kashmiris and their allies,” he added.

Urging united action against India’s nefarious plans for IIoJK, the Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK and Europe leaders said Kashmiri diaspora under a united banner will launch “Kashmir Convoy from London to Srinagar ” in case G20 summit is held in the illegally occupied territory by India.

“This is the time to organize and coordinate our actions, lobbying and diplomacy efforts in the capitals of G20 nations to warn them against any such summit in IIoJK,” Ghalib said, addressing at the press conference

Zhao Lijian, spokesperson of China’s Foreign Ministry, told a news conference in Beijing on June 30: “China’s position on the Kashmir issue is consistent and clear-cut. The Kashmir issue, a dispute left from the past, should be peacefully and properly addressed in accordance with the UN Charter, Security Council resolutions and bilateral agreement between India and Pakistan. Parties concerned need to avoid unilateral moves that may complicate the situation. Efforts should be made to settle the dispute through dialogue and consultation so as to maintain regional peace and stability. The G20 is the premier forum for international economic and financial cooperation. We call on all major economies to focus on steady recovery of the world economy, avoid politicizing relevant cooperation and make positive contribution to improving global economic governance.

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