AJK’s special children celebrate 77th AJK govt’s Foundation Anniversary

MIRPUR (AJK), Oct 25 :Besides all other classes of the masses, special children of AJK also have celebrated 77th Founding Anniversary of Azad government of the State of Jammu & Kashmir with zeal and fervor and renewal of pledge to continue Kashmir freedom struggle till the liberation of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) from Indian yoke – besides to lend all of energies for the progress and prosperity of the liberated territory.
Major ceremony to celebrate the founding day by the State’s physical handicapped children was hosted by Kashmir Institute of Special Education (KISE ), at its principal campus late thursday to mark the day with great enthusiasm and devotion with the renewal of the pledge to continue all out individual and collective endeavors to bring Kashmir freedom struggle to its logical end.

Addressing the ceremony, Dr. Amjad Ansari, Founder head of the Institution, said that this year too, the anniversary of the emergence of the AJK state government anniversary was observed with traditional zeal and fervor.
Dr. Ansari added that it was a matter of great pleasure that Kashmiris peaceful struggle for freedom of the motherland had reached to climax at both sides of the line of control and rest of the world.
He underlined that like all previous years , AJK government’s founding day anniversary was observed this year too with prime focus to elaborate the due role of this base camp of the Kashmir freedom movement for raising the Kashmiris indigenous struggle for freedom at international level besides to reiterate complete solidarity with the people of the IIOJK in their just and principled struggle for liberation of the motherland from Indian clutches .
Special students, through formal signs, reiterated that the true spirit of the establishment of government of the State of Jammu & Kashmir would stand refreshed and intact with the renewal of the pledge to make the liberated region progress and prosperous besides to get their brethren in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir freed from the Indian tyrannical unlawful rule till last victory.

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