AJK LA reposes full trust in PM Imran’s leadership

MUZAFFARABAD (AJK), April 08 (APP): Azad Jammu & Kashmir Legislative Assembly on Friday reiterated its full support and expressed confidence in the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan.

The AJK LA, which met with speaker in the chair, in a unanimously adopted resolution observed that Imran Khan’s ouster from the office was part of a conspiracy being hatched by the foreign forces to weaken the country.

“The House believes that external forces wanted to weaken the country by removing Imran Khan from the post of prime minister,” the resolution said, adding Imran Khan had thwarted the nefarious design by taking a historic decision to go to the people’s court.

Extending its full support to Imran Khan, the House through another resolution said for the security and stability of Pakistan, the people of Kashmir stood behind Imran Khan.

The LA also paid rich tributes to the Prime Minister of Pakistan for his tireless campaign against Islamophobia. “Imran Khan is the only leader of the Muslim world who led a successful campaign against Islamophobia at world level that culminated successfully in the shape of the landmark resolution adopted by the UNGA (United Nations General assembly),” the resolution said.

It also congratulated PM Imran Khan and his team on convening the OIC Foreign Ministers’ summit in Islamabad, inclusion of Kashmir issue in the meeting’s agenda and inviting the Kashmiri leadership to the meeting.

The House also welcomed the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation’s (OIC) joint declaration in which the government of India was asked to restore the status of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir to its August 5, 2019 position.

Terming PM Imran Khan the true benefactor of Kashmiris, the LA stated that besides highlighting the issue of Kashmir at the international level, Imran Khan provided ample financial resources and support to the AJK Government for the construction and development of the region.

The resolution was was presented in the assembly by Minister for Planning and Development Chaudhry Muhammad Rashid on behalf of Minister for Information, Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Sardar Fahim Akhtar Rabbani, Minister for Public Works and Communications Chaudhry Azhar Sadiq, Minister for Public Health Nisar Ansar Abdali, Minister for Planning and Development Chaudhry Muhammad Rashid and Minister for Secondary Education Dewan Ali Khan Chughtai.

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