Yousuf Gabriel issues declaration to the world

Islamabad, September 3, 2022 (Online): Allama Yousuf Gabriel issues declaration to the world. Complete anarchy will now prevail throughout the world. Every country will fight against every country. Every man’s hand will be upon every man’s throat. This earth will become an asylum of Cancer-ridden chimeras, and a nest of disturbed hornets.

No alternative now remains for this mankind but either to perish under the hails of atomic bombs suddenly, deservedly, or to perish slowly, lingeringly and miserably under the radiations of atomic-energy-for-peace, also deservedly. Any one, scientist, scholar or politician who refutes this statement, he is a victim of false hope. There is no protection against either the atomic bomb or the atomic radiation, now or ever.

The entire world today follows Bacon’s philosophy of modern atomism, that is man’s dominion over nature as his right through continued, systematic research of science, for the material benefit of mankind in general, as man’s purpose on earth, and as God’s command to Adam. Moral philosophy according to Bacon is man’s persistence in Adam’s first transgression of God’s command in tasting the fruit of forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This philosophy is directly antithetic to revealed religion. Moral philosophy and not natural philosophy for material benefit is the basis of revealed religion. Therefore either the philosophy of revealed religion or this philosophy of Bacon. The two cannot coexist.

This modern progress is based on Bacon’s philosophy of modern atomism. It is continuous, systematic, organized, ever-increasing, infinite, and universal. Because it is ever-increasing, therefore it is bound to expel the thought of the other world and religion gradually from man’s mind and time. And because it is infinite, it has to possess man’s mind and time completely and expel the thought of the other world and religion completely. Therefore either this or religion. These two cannot coexist.

This modern science also is continuous, systematic, organized, and infinite. And it is the hand-maid of this material progress and is confined to material benefit only. Therefore religion cannot coexist with it. Either this or religion. No break could be applied to this modern progress to keep it in balance. Now ban the atomic energy, and the industrial set up will freeze for want of energy, since the harmless resources of energy are about to exhaust. Adopt the atomic energy and both this progress and mankind with it will be destroyed. Now therefore either life and safety or this progress. These two cannot coexist.

You are again warned that no protection against either the atomic bomb or the atomic radiation is possible. Let a scientist contradict my claim with reason or proof. But this mankind now is in a state of intoxication moving toward atomic hell helplessly. Let the scientist now consider the situation and be realistic to save this world and himself.

This Baconian progress is of a nature anti-christic and antireligion. The Gospel of Christ stands in radical opposition to it.

While the signs about the contemplation of the works of Allah (Ghaur-fil-Aayat) to be found in the Quran could not be quoted to justify this modern progress. Nor even the signs about the conquest of the universe (Taskhir-Il-Kayyinaat) to be found in the Quran could be quoted to justify this conquest of nature as is undertaken by this Baconian progress. Let the object of Baconian progress and of the Quran be seen in comparison in this context. The Quran never was a book so gross as to teach or allow the practice of materialism. Due to this misunderstanding of the muslims it is, that the Quran will not be able to save the world from the flames of atomic hell. Baconian object of the contemplation of the works of God, or the conquest of nature is nothing but material exploitation, while in the Quran not so much as hint about material exploitation in this context could be cited. The Quran’s view in this respect is quite sublime, and could be achieved without the research of modern science.

The spirit of this Baconian philosophy and progress shows every feature of Messih-id-Dajjal (Anti-Christ) as was prophecied by the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him). I say not that it is the same Messih-Id-Dajjal as was prophecied by the Holy Prophet. But what I can say is that, this Baconian spirit deserves to be opposed and destroyed due to its features in question before it has destroyed this world’s faith and life.

Know that the Baconian philosophy has failed in its objectives. Atomic phenomenon now has challenged man’s right to dominion over nature. The fiery atomic giant will consume the dwarfish man. Nor the hunger of man has been appeased. Rather like fission chain reaction the demand overlaps the production, and this notion of self-sufficiency has proved to be a mirage that would end not in water but in atomic fire. Atomic hell is the logical and scientific end of this process of Baconian progress. Mankind now is like a pilot to bale out before the plane has caught fire and burst into flames. Neither Carter, Nor Brezeneve, and other Presidents can now control the situation of this world. Nor will the stock-piles be able to save America or Russia from the atomic conflagration. The Baconian locust-like mankind is tending towards the region of atomic spray to be sprayed to miserable extinction.

This age of knowledge and science is the age of gross ignorance. Like a Ph.D who was drowned when the boat capsized, because he did not know how to swim. This mankind will be destroyed by atomic fire, for, none but a very few in this world have an inkling of the subject of atomic science. And ask the atomist and he will tell you, that man’s knowledge of atomic science today is very meagre. Man’s knowledge of atomic science will forever remain meagre. Atomic science has reached its blind. It is simply beyond man’s ken and control. Mankind’s confidence in atomic science and the scientist’s optimism in man’s atomic future is a dream whose interpretation is no other than a blazing atomic hell.

The spirit of Abraham is engaged in extinguishing the fire of atomic hell. Mujaddid Alph Thani (1564-1624) against Francis Bacon (1561-1626) and founder of modern atomism, Shah Waliullah Delhvi (1703-1763) against Spinoza (1632-77) the expounder of material Wahdatul Wajud, and Iqbal was sent to the West in 1905, the year in which Einstein had cleared the course of atomic energy by his special relativity. And lastly in 1942, the year in which the Italian Physicist Enricho Fermi had actually opened the gate of atomic fire on this world by his successful realization of fission chain reaction in Chicago, the 25th year of my life, I was recommended by Saint Al-Khedhr to Abraham for Abrahamic mission in Mussayyib near Baghdad in a dream. At that time I could read the Quran but without knowing its meanings and I had a negligible schooling.

Then from 1942 to 1982, I was engaged in intellectual pursuit, rather a gruesome ordeal like a man possessed, day in day out, learning languages, literatures, histories, philosophies, sciences, modern and ancient, and scriptures that is the Quran, and the Bible without a teacher or a school, year after year in circumstances which no Bunyan could have a heart to describe, and achieving that which Freud could have a method to analyse. Literature in English and other languages ranging over three thousand pages I have produced. Of this three thousand pages comprise the interpretation of the prophecy of the Quran about the atomic hell in English language, a work regarding which my conceit is that not even Bacon, Darwin and Einstein combined could easily have produced. A work that may be regarded as the key to the future destiny of this now doomed mankind. But every volume is unpublished as yet and I have to be solicitous about it as my duty. May my Allah help me. However, remember that my work is based not on any claim or pretension of myself. Nor even it is based on the divine authority of the Quran. My work is based on science and logic which has to be the criterion.

My difficulties are only proportional to my theme which is bitter, unpleasant and against the desires of four thousand million inhabitants of this world in whose way I have to stand up to stop them from proceeding toward the regions of atomic hell. And it is not easy. With the key of the future destiny of this mankind, and an invaluable treasure of research in my hand I stand helplessly groping in utter darkness while everyone around me is engaged in his own material betterment in a mad pursuit unaware, and my theme is difficult. Where in this world to find a judge competent enough to honour me with his review of a work which demands high competency at once in nuclear science, radiobiology, philosophy and the Quran. Yet for the bitterness of my theme I may not be held responsible, for I have said only that which Quran and science has said.

I have a reason to remind the Muslims of their duty towards the Quran in the publication of this prophecy of the Quran to the world. If they deprive the creation of Allah of this sole guidance to escape the dreadful atomic doom, they not only go down into the flames of atomic hell along with the rest of nations, and into the eternal Hotama (atomic hell) of the next world, but might be they experience the force of this prophecy even before the last tragic event of the appearance of the atomic hell, for, to keep this prophecy unpublished is to muffle up the mouth of a furious volcano. And no gift of the islamic world to mankind could be more valuable than the interpretation of this prophecy published in the 15th Century Hijra programme. If Moses, or Jesus or Krishna or Budha were today they would have been the first to embrace this prophecy and propagate it in the world. Let the Non-Muslims know that this problem of atomic hell is international and no one nation alone could do anything. Let this world therefore unite to remove the doom collectively. The essence of the whole discussions is that this modern progress being continuous and infinite will ultimately not leave any place in man’s mind or any time in man’s life for religion, which means a havoc and complete devastation of humanity. It is essential for man to lead a life balanced between spiritual and material. This is the teaching of Islam.

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