Govt constitutes FFC to fix responsibility in Faizabad Dharna case

ISLAMABAD, OCT 27 (ONLINE): Federal government has constituted Fact Finding Committee (FFC) to fix responsibility in Faizabad Dharna case.
Attorney General (AG) filed implementation report in Faizabad Dharna case in Supreme Court (SC).

The report said government has constituted fact finding committee to fix responsibility in Faizabad Dharna case.

It has been told in the AG report fact finding committee has been constituted to implement SC February 6, 2019 decision. This committee includes Additional secretary interior, additional secretary defence and director ISI.

TORs of FFC have also been made part of implementation report. Committee will hold inquiry as per set TORs.

FFC will collect evidences regarding Faizabad Dharna and will review all collected evidence, documents and record

The AG report further said FFC will record statements of witnesses besides determining handlers and those found responsible in Faizabad Dharna case.

The committee will determine who issued orders and sent message in Dharna case.

First meeting of FFC was held on October 26 under set TORs. The committee will submit report based on proposals after investigation. The report will be filed in Defence ministry till December 01. If committee needs more time then it will approach defence ministry.

It has been mentioned in the report that request was made to court to withdraw Faizabad Dharna case review petition.
It is requested to court to give time to file final report.

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