Annual ‘Earth Hour’ observed in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Mar 25 (APP):Like other parts of the world, the annual ‘Earth Hour’ observed in Pakistan on Saturday night under the theme “60 minutes for the planet”. The “Earth Hour” was celebrated by keeping the lights off, in all government and domestic buildings including Parliament […]

Earth Hour observed

MIRPUR (AJK): Mar 25 (APP): News Division of Azad Kashmir Radio Mirpur observed Earth Hour – 2023, the World’s Largest Volunteer Campaign, in response to the decision to observe it across the country, simultaneously with rest of the world. When contacted the News Section head […]

UN chief warns climate change making Earth ‘uninhabitable’

UNITED NATIONS, Mar 24 (APP):Humanity is facing a “difficult truth”, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned in a message marking World Meteorological Day, saying that the damage already being caused by climate change is “making our planet uninhabitable.” He laid down the challenge to governments worldwide, […]
