RAWALPINDI: Boy crushed to death by elevator

RAWALPINDI, Sep 28 (APP): An 18 year old boy died after being crushed under the elevator in a cloth shop in commercial market on Wednesday. According to a private news channel, an elevator installed in a clothes shop suddenly fell down on the boy who […]

Monster Hurricane Ian hammers Florida

Port Charlotte, United States, Sept 28 (AFP/APP):Heavy winds and rain pummelled Florida on Wednesday as Hurricane Ian intensified to just shy of the strongest Category 5 level, threatening to wreak “catastrophic” destruction on the southern US state. Forecasters warned of a looming once-in-a-generation calamity, with […]

World’s top rights body put on notice over Kashmir

UNHRC, GENEVA (PNI) Amid India’s useless attempts to disinform international community on Kashmir, the world’s top human rights body was put on notice over worsening human rights situation in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIoJK). “Robbed of all their fundamental rights, the Indian occupation […]
