Trans Peshawar daily ridership reaches 316,000: Spokesperson

PESHAWAR, Aug 13 (APP): Trans-Peshawar spokesperson on Sunday claimed that the daily ridership of Zu-Peshawar (the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system of Peshawar) has reached to 316,000 during ongoing year. “Out of the total 316,000, about 80,000 are women,” she said in a news release […]

Another crackdown on PTI workers across Punjab

LAHORE Aug 11 (Online): Crackdown has started again against PTI workers across Punjab. According to a media report, the decision to crack down was taken after PTI leader Shah Mehmood Qureshi’s statement in which workers were asked to celebrate Independence Day in a grand manner. […]

Prices of daily use item shoots up in Utility stores

ISLAMABAD Aug 11 (Online): Just day after dissolution of national assembly, subsidies removed and edible items at Utility stores skyrocketed. Ghee price increased from PKr 398 to 423 per kilogram. In total 25rupees has been increased in per kg price of ghee. According to notification […]
