Asad Qaisar to be handed over to anti corruption department Swabi

ISLAMABAD, NOV 04 (ONLINE): PTI leader and former speaker National Assembly (NA) Asad Qaisar will be handed over to Anti Corruption department district Swabi.

Copy of FIR lodged against Asad Qaisar in anti corruption has come to fore.

Asad Qaisar and 4 officers of health department are charged with committing embezzlement in Gajuu Khan medical college.

FIR has been lodged on the report of Hidayat Shah former investigation officer of anti corruption department.

Three clauses including 406 PPC are included in FIR.

As per context of FIR information was received that CPO of electro Nagrani machine is missing in Kajoo Khan medical college Swabi. Information was also received about purchasing sub standard furniture for hospital. During the investigation of officer five accused including Asad Qaisar were found at fault.

It was said in FIR that five accused including Asad Qaisar have caused financial loss to the tune of Rs 1 crore 64 lac to national kitty.

It is pertinent to mention here Asad Qaisar was arrested from his residence in Banigala Islamabad on the charges of corruption a day before.

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