Parliamentary Union of OIC Member States convenes emergency meeting on Palestine crisis

Islamabad, October 16, 2023 (Online): In response to the alarming developments in the Palestinian territories, the Parliamentary Union of OIC Member States (PUIC) convened a virtual emergency meeting today, uniting key representatives to address the escalating crisis.

Active participation was noted from Pakistani Senators, including Senator NuzhatSadiq, Senator Faisal Saleem Rahman, Senator Sana Jamali, and Mir Shai Mazar Baloch, Director General (Coordination) Senate.

Expressing profound concern over the ongoing violence, the participants collectively appealed to the United Nations to intervene and halt the continuous violations of international law by Israeli forces. In an urgent plea to avert an impending humanitarian crisis, they called for the unrestricted entry of aid and much-needed relief goods into the Gaza Strip.

Participants, including speakers/presidents of Parliaments from Bahrain, Egypt, Tunisia, Malaysia, Turkey, Iran, Kuwait, Syria, UAE, Lebanon, Mauritania, and Guyana, spoke on the occasion. They emphasized the critical importance of presenting a united front against these human rights violations.

Additionally, the participants, with great emphasis, called for an immediate end to the illegal occupation of Palestinian lands. They urged the international community to play a decisive role in resolving the Palestinian issue, aligning with relevant UNSC resolutions.

Representatives from Malaysia specifically called for the inclusion of this issue as an emergency agenda item in the upcoming 147th IPU General Assembly Meeting, stressing that immediate action is essential to save the residents of Gaza.

Furthermore, participants unequivocally denounced the Israeli bombardment as a war crime and emphasized the need for accountability. They urged the international community to hold those responsible for these actions accountable in alignment with international law.

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