No conspiracy can derail CPEC project: Shibli Faraz

ISLAMABAD, : Minister for Information and Broadcasting Syed Shibli Faraz on Thursday categorically said no conspiracy could derail China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project.

Responding to a Calling Attention Notice raised by Mian Raza Rabbani about the China Pakistan Economic Corridor Authority Ordinance, 2019, the minister said CPEC was not a project of any political party rather it was project between Pakistan and China, two governments and people of both the countries.

He briefed the House that work was being carried out vigorously on projects under the CPEC umbrella as it was symbol of friendship between Pakistan and China that would further strengthen Pak-China relationships.

All the projects of CPEC were successfully advancing towards completion, he added.
Shibli Faraz said the government was creating such a mechanism through which all CPEC projects could be completed in a coherent manner.

He said the government was bringing law regarding CPEC Authority and it was on National Assembly agenda today as well. “He would witness whether the opposition support such law or not,” he said.

The minister said the opposition always made efforts to destroy institutions adding that they were also trying to sabotage the CPEC project.

There were so many enemies of CPEC, he said and advised the opposition not to play in the hands of others.

Earlier, raising the Calling Attention Notice, Raza Rabbani said that the ordinance to set up the Authority had been lapsed and questioned under which law the authority was functioning.

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