Cruel practice of puppies’ ear cropping deeply concerns animal lovers, right activists

PESHAWAR, Apr 14 (APP): Animal lovers and right activists have shown deep concern and anguish over ear cropping of cute dog puppies for business and other motives and made a passionate appeal for action to prevent this cruelty.

Expressing reaction over some reports appearing on social media showing pathetic conditions of different puppies with chopped ears, lying unconscious near waste dump near Gulbahar area of Peshawar, Dr. Ayeza Haider, Focal Person Pakistan Animal Rights Advocacy Group approached district administration of Peshawar to take action for prevention of cruelty against innocent souls.

In a letter sent to District Director Livestock, Ayeza Haider shared pictures and footage showing certain people are cutting ears and tails of puppies before selling them.

“It is also being reported that few of the puppies which got sick due to lack of proper treatment after the operation or are not being sold are thrown away into drainage canal for dying,” share Ayeza Haider.

”This is very cruel practice and is violation of colonial era law of `Prevention to Animals Act 1890’, opines Ayeza while talking with APP .

“We need to take action by involving local police and the city administration as any such persons involved in this cruel practice should be apprehended and awarded punishments according to relevant laws,” mentions Ayeza in her application.

She said the application will also be sent to Deputy Commissioner Peshawar and DPO for their perusal and request for necessary action to ensure safety and protection of all creatures.

Social media reports also attracted attention of Zeba Masood, founder of Lucky Animal Protection Shelter, a sanctuary for maltreated, beaten, injured and starving stray dogs of Peshawar.

Zeba visited the area and found two abandoned puppies, one with cropped ear and other also in very weak condition, searching for food on a waste dump in the area. She took both of them to her shelter home.

Zeba apprised APP that she had adopted a couple of cropped ear dogs which were provided by a local person of the area, but only one survived.

She named the survived cropped ear dog `Rock’ who she said is in process of being shifted to London as a family has agreed in adopting him and the process of transportation is in progress.

A visit by this scribe to Changar Abad area near Gulbahar found that a number of people are involved in animal trade who have made small kennel within the premises of their little homes.

From mature dogs to small puppies of different breed are available for sale and on demand the process of ear cropping is made over a minimal charges of Rs. 500 per pup.

A local person who is also very much concerned over this inhuman practice shared with APP that ear cropping is made to deceive buyers.

Locals of the area pick new born puppies from stray bitch and after feeding for few days at home cut the ear to present them as Kochi breed which are brought from Afghanistan.

Kochi breed is very aggressive in nature and is good fighter so canine lovers have great demand for dogs belong to this pedigree, the local person told APP who requested for not disclosing his identity to avoid reprisal from sellers.

Dr. Asad Ali Shah, Spokesman for Livestock and Dairy Development Authority when contacted informed APP that the department has prepared a draft document titled as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Animal Welfare Act 2023.

The document has been vetted by Law Department and was ready for legislation, but the assembly dissolved. Now after formation of new government, it wold be passed and implemented, Asad assured.

Under the new draft document, the penalty over mistreatment of animals include from a fine of Rs. 100,000 to six months imprisonment.

Inspectors would also appointed to pay visit to different areas for checking and taking action over violation, Asad added.

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