Students, Teachers stage protest rally against privatization of Gordon College

RAWALPINDI, Dec 12 (Online): Students and teachers of Rawalpindi Government Gordon College held protest demonstration on Murree road, blocked the road and staged dharna outside Director Colleges office.

The students of government Gordon College Rawalpindi has been protesting since one month against the privatization of college.

On Monday the students boycotted the classes and held protest demonstration on Murree road.

The protestors have blocked Murree road at Committee. The professors are also participating in the demonstration.

City traffic police have provided alternative route to Islamabad bound vehicles. But traffic system inside city stands disrupted.

Director Rawalpindi colleges Sher Ahmad Satti said no notification regarding the privatization of Gordon College has come from government. No talks were held with the leadership. But these were held two days before. Secretary Education Punjab was to come here but he did not come.

He said that it was made clear on students two days back that the college was not being handed over on Monday. But they are protesting at someone behest. If they talk of cabinet division decision it is made clear that even draft has not been prepared. Draft will yet to be worked out. It can take years.

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