Footballers more likely to have worse brain health at 65, study shows

Norwich, Dec 9 (Online): Professional footballers are more likely to develop poorer brain health by the age of 65 than non-players, a study has shown.

The University of East Anglia monitored more than 75 former elite players and a group of active non-footballers.

Lead researcher Dr Michael Grey said footballers did better in the 40 to 50-year-old age group – but worse over 65.

He said there was a “need to investigate ways to limit damage to the brain as people play sport”.

The study, called Screening Cognitive Outcomes after Repetitive Head Impact Exposure – or SCORES – was carried out by the Norwich-based university to better understand the cognitive health of athletes as they age.

Participants, including former male players Iwan Roberts and Jeremy Goss of Norwich City, and Crystal Palace’s Mark Bright, undertook cognitive function tests and were monitored for early signs of brain health decline.

Dr Grey, from the UEA’s School of Health Sciences, said the team were testing for “early signs of cognitive dysfunction that can be identified long before any memory problems or other noticeable symptoms of conditions like dementia become apparent”.

“We know that regular exercise is really good for brain health, and our research confirms that professional footballers have improved brain health in their 40s compared with non-footballers.

But Dr Grey, an expert in the effects of concussion, added that at 65, “things are starting to go wrong”.

“The over-65s performed worse when assessed for things like reaction time, executive function, and spatial navigation,” he said.

“These are early warning signs for deteriorating brain health.

“This shows us that the exercise associated with playing football is good for the brain, but the negative effects of contact sport do begin to appear later in life.

“This research highlights the need to investigate ways we can limit the damage to the brain as people play sport and to monitor brain health as we get older.”

The research team said the assessments were ongoing.

“The participants are being monitored for changing brain health over time, so we will hopefully follow our cohort of former footballers for the rest of their lives,” Dr Grey said.

“This will give us a really clear picture of the potential damage caused by heading the ball.”

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