World’s top rights body put on notice over Kashmir

UNHRC, GENEVA (PNI) Amid India’s useless attempts to disinform international community on Kashmir, the world’s top human rights body was put on notice over worsening human rights situation in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIoJK).

“Robbed of all their fundamental rights, the Indian occupation authorities have intensified their military repression, through fake encounters and siege and search operations,” Fahim Kayani, leader of Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK, told the ongoing 51st session of UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva.

Addressing the UNHRC , Kayani said Kashmiris are being killed in fake encounters by Indian military regime in IIoJK and “their dead bodies are buried in far flung areas without providing their families the right to burial.”

“Coupled with military repression, the Indian military regime has started religious as well as cultural aggression and legislative terrorism in the occupied territory,” said Kayani, urging Kashmiris in IIoJK to march towards Eidgah on Friday to protest against attack on Muslim faith of Kashmiris.

Several Kashmiri leaders from across the globe have called for a shutter-down strike on Sept. 30, Friday, against attempts by the Indian military regime to grab Kashmir’s biggest Eidgah in Srinagar which has become the political identity of Kashmiri resistance.

Besides, Kashmiris in IIoJK have been urged to protest the attack on Muslim faith as Indian military regime has made it mandatory for students in public schools to recite Hindu hymns while the fascist Indian military regime is imposing an economic blockade on Kashmiris by closing the Srinagar-Jammu highway.

Kayani, a young Kashmiri diaspora leader, told the UNHRC that Indian military regime has illegally arrested scores of religious scholars in last two weeks while all Kashmiri resistance leaders and human rights defenders have been arbitrarily detained under the so-called UAPA.

“People are forced to sing Bajans (Hindu religious prayers) in schools and other Muslim public places,” Kayani informed the UNHRC, adding that such moves is an evidence that Indian military regime in IIoJK has “hastened its policy of demographic changes, by issuing permanent resident certificates to non-state subjects.”

“2.5 million non-Kashmiris have been given voting rights… All these rights violations and demographic engineering is an attempt to defeat the peoples UN recognized right to self-determination,” Kayani warned the world’s top human rights body.

“Keeping in view the gravity of the situation, I urge this council to establish a commission of inquiry to investigate human rights violations in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir as recommended by former High commissioner for human rights,” Kayani insisted.

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