“Youm-e-Istehsal-e-Kashmir” observed at Pak Embassy Ankara

Ankara, August 5, 2022 (Online): An event was organized at Pakistan Embassy Ankara to observe the third “Youm-e-Istehsal-e-Kashmir”, the day when Indian government, breaching fundamental legal norms and rules, illegally and unilaterally revoked articles 370 and 35-A of Indian constitution. These articles conferred upon Kashmir the autonomous status with special rights and privileges for Kashmiris, and were irrevocable and permanent provisions of the Indian Constitution.The event was attended by representatives of civil society, media, think-tanks, and Kashmiris living in Ankara.

Speaking on the occasion, Pakistan’s Ambassador to Turkiye, SyrusSajjadQazi stated that in the tortured history of Kashmir since 1947, hardly a day has passed, when the occupying power India hasnot come up with fresh mischief and malice towards the people of Kashmir. The occupying power India thought that its actions of August 05 2019 would help it silence the Kashmiris struggle for freedom and peace, but it has blatantly failed. The Kashmiri struggle is alive, stronger than it was before August 05, 2019 and Kashmiris aremore determined to get their legitimate right to self determination, the right promised to Kashmiris by UN, Pakistan and India.

Ambassador Qazithanked the people and government of Turkiye for its principled stance on Kashmir and highlighted that Turkish support and solidarity with Kashmir is a source of great strength for millions of oppressed people of Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir and an important contribution towards realization of their right to self-determination.

Ambassador Qazi reiterated that Pakistan shall continue its political, moral and diplomatic support to Kashmiris and reaffirmed resolve to stand shoulder to shoulder with Kashmiri brethren in their legitimate cause of freedom.

Messages of the President, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Pakistan were read out by Deputy Head of Mission Abbas Sarwar Qureshi. Expressing solidarity with the oppressed Kashmiris, the leadership reiterated that India must reverse its illegal and unilateral actions of 05 August 2019, and hold a fair and impartial plebiscite under auspices of the United Nations as enshrined in the relevant UN security Council Resolutions.

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