ECP verdict proves PTI politics based on prohibited funding: ANP leader

PESHAWAR, Aug 02 (APP):The central leader of Awami National Party (ANP) and former Provincial Minister, Wajid Ali Khan here Wednesday said the Election Commission of Pakistan’s verdict has proved that Pakistan Tahreek-e-Insaf (PTI) had made politics in our country on prohibited foreign funding and donations.

He said that PTI had concealed accounts and donations received from foreign countries from the ECP, which was a clear violation of the constitution.

Talking to APP, he said ECP’s inclusive judgment has testified that PTI had received foreign funding and donations from foreign countries and concealed bank accounts from ECP, adding these illegal funds were used by PTI for personal and political gains that were violations of the country’s election laws.

He said the PTI leadership had made hue and cry about so called ‘foreign conspiracy’ after ex PM Imran Khan’s ouster in a successful no confidence motion and today they were found guilty of receiving huge funds from their foreign masters to make politics in Pakistan.

Following proving of all allegations against PTI, he said Imran Khan should immediately tender an apology from the nation and resign from the party chairman.

The ANP leader said PTI leadership has made character assassination of Chief Election Commissioner after failing to produce solid evidence in connection with the high profile case during last eight years.
He said law would take its own course after the ECP’s verdict and the PTI Chairman may face a life term ban under article 62-63 for concealing facts from the ECP.

Wajid said that Imran Khan was no more ‘Sadiq and Ameen’ after the ECP’s verdict and immediately resigned from the party chairman’s post.

“I questioned that if former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif could be disqualified on ‘Aqma’ then why not Imran Khan can be disqualified in a prohibited foreign funding case.

He said PTI was given so many chances to clear its position but failed to do so in this case and today its leadership was hiding faces from people after all their claims were proved false today.

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