Speak publicly on India’s crimes against humanity: Kayani to UK PM

LONDON (PNI) Amid all-out onslaught by India’s fascist Modi regime on Muslims and on people of Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIoJK), the visit of Prime Minister Boris Johnson demands strong protest by the British government to the RSS-BJP regime in India.

“This is not the time that prime minister of mother of all democracies visits India which may be seen as a vote of confidence to Modi, whose hands are soaked in blood of innocent Muslims and other minorities in India,” said Fahim Kayani, leader of Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK.

Johnson is visiting India this week where he will meet his counterpart Narendra Modi on Friday while Muslims and other minorities are facing pogrom at the hands of Hindutva gangs. Properties, homes and businesses of Muslims are being selectively targeted and they are being evicted from their native places.

“The low-intensity terror campaign against Muslims in Indian has sent shock waves across the world and the UK premier must lodge strong protest with Modi and make human rights a priority in his agenda with Indian side,” Kayani said.

“Modi’s fascist regime is mother of all human rights violations in the world and no conscious person and those who believe in universal values of human rights can prefer economic interests over human rights,” the UK-based Kashmiri diaspora leader said.

On Kashmir, India is violating international law and UN resolutions, said Kayani. “It is responsibility of Prime Minister Boris Johnson to force India it complies with plebiscite as enshrined in UN resolutions and allow Kashmiris in IIoJK to decide their political fate,” he added.

“Kashmiris expect the UK premier to raise re-annexation of Kashmir by India on Aug. 05, 2019 which is a modern-day example of colonialism and imperialism,” Kayani said.

The Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK leader said British government has an important role to play to stop the fascist government from furthering its anti-humanity agenda.

“Prime Minister Boris Johnson has the power and can very well influence other nations to hold India accountable for crimes against humanity it is inflicting on Kashmiris and Muslims in India,” said Kayani.

“Kashmiri and other diaspora groups in the UK expect Prime Minister Boris Johnson to raise these grave issues with Modi during his trip and also speak about it publicly so as it serves as deterrence to what India is doing against Kashmiris and Muslims in India,” he added.

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